
Gran Colombia Gold

The project had an extremely positive impact on the conception of corporate redesigns at Espiral. Initially, we were faced with an office of a mining brand with an aesthetic very marked by dark elements, low luminosity and confined spaces. However, our approach was totally different: we took advantage of the brand’s highlights and reflected them in a fresh and modern architectural design.

Instead of keeping the “mining” style, we opted for a new vision that would highlight the company’s best attributes. We redesigned the office to incorporate a brighter and more open atmosphere, selecting materials and colors that conveyed a sense of modernity and elegance. The result was a transformation that rejuvenated the corporate image and created an environment more conducive to productivity and creativity.

In conclusion, this project meant a change in the way of approaching corporate redesigns, by taking the essence of the brand and adapting it to a more contemporary and attractive architecture.

  • Location Medellín
  • Area 800 m²
  • Status Built
  • Year 2020


The construction of Gran Colombia Gold’s new offices was carried out in three consecutive stages. In the first stage, the adaptation of the first floor was completed. Then, in the second stage, renovations and adjustments were made to the lobby. Finally, the third stage focused on finishing the first floor and the complete adaptation of the second floor.

This phased approach allowed for an efficient and organized execution of the project, ensuring that each stage was successfully completed before moving on to the next. In this way, a smooth transition to the new facilities was achieved, guaranteeing a renewed and functional space for employees and visitors.

& Shape

Faced with an office space for a mining company characterized by dark elements, low lighting, and confined spaces, our approach was entirely different. We chose to capitalize on the brand’s standout features and reflect them in a fresh and modern architectural design.

Instead of adhering to the traditional “mining” style, we opted for a new vision that highlighted the company’s best attributes. We redesigned the office by introducing a brighter and more open atmosphere, selecting materials and colors that conveyed a sense of modernity and elegance. The result was a transformation that rejuvenated the corporate image and created a more conducive environment for productivity and creativity.